Brave New (Digital) World!

Brave New (Digital) World!

Four years ago to the day, I wrote a blog post called “Did you use Bitcoin to buy your Christmas presents this year?”  You can read it here:

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What’s next for the European Union?

The banks are open again in Greece but withdrawal limits remain in place. Bridge loans have provided temporary relief to a bankrupt country.

What’s next for the European Union? [Read more…]

Business Partnering Ecosystems – Podcast Part 1

International business development to grow revenues and capabilities can be done in three ways:

  • Build it yourself – organic growth
  • Buy it – mergers & acquisitions
  • Partner – strategic alliances and value networks

My firm, Alliances Progress, was invited to be interviewed on the subject of collaborative frameworks and how they work to grow businesses internationally through strategic alliances and business ecosystems.  Here is the link to that interview:






Alliance Networks and Ecosystems

Alliance value networks organized in ecosystems are the way all  organizations will be designed and structured in the future.  The following podcast was carried out to discuss and explore how collaborative business models are being used to grow revenues and capabilities today.  Please click on the link below to listen.  Enjoy!



Ecosystems to grow your revenues and capabilities

Ecosystems to grow your revenues and capabilities is an intelligent option for many professional services firms.

Ecosystems, within a context of business development, are communities of common interest, partnerships, groups of experts which come together to provide services to their clients.  The growth strategy through ecosystem development involves business partnerships outside one’s own firm and often outside one’s traditional channels to market.

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Smart Cities and Ecosystems

What if cities could talk?  What would they say about the way energy is managed?  Water?  Parking?  Traffic?  Public transportation?  What would the city tell us about its health care systems?  Educational institutions?  Municipal government?

What would the city tell us about its infrastructure?  Buildings?  Roads?  Bridges?  Electrical Grids?  Sewage systems?  Pollution?  Public safety? Parks? Connectivity and communications?

What about soft indicators such as human urban dweller well-being?  Quality of life?  Tolerance?  Diversity?  Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

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Strategic Alliances and Member Firms

Member firm organizations are one form of strategic alliances which are becoming more prominent in the business world.  Member firms are loosely or tightly knit groups of companies which have chosen to come together to promote their common interests and to help each other to grow revenues and capabilities.

If one googles the term ‘member firms’ and toggles a bit, you can find interesting examples and applications of how individual companies are tied together in member firm organizations.  Some member firm organizations are going to market under a single, lead brand whereas others are connected under an endorsed brand.  Some are publicly touted as a single entity (like a corporation or a franchise) and others are happily united as members of a group of independents (like a business club or professional association). [Read more…]

Strategic Alliances and Ecosystems

Ecosystems are an exciting extension of the traditional practice of strategic alliances.

At a recent global summit meeting organized by the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP), we shared and exchanged the most recent thinking concerning creative partnering solutions.  Strategic alliances, situated on the continuum between organic growth and post-merger integration, have become increasing prevalent over the past two decades. [Read more…]

Build, Buy or Partner?

How to grow?  Three options:

  • Build your growth through organic expansion, open new offices, hire new people…
  • Buy your growth through acquisitions, find & purchase firms, integrate, absorb…
  • Partner your way to growth by developing strategic alliances.

The partnership model is the wave of the future.  It is faster, less capital intensive and potentially more beneficial in the short and long term.  So why is it not the preferred model which is taking over the world of business? [Read more…]

What is an Accountable Care Organization? (ACO)

What is an Accountable Care Organization? (ACO)

Accountable Care Organizations (better known by their acronym ACO) are among the latest & greatest attempts to gain control of spiraling, out-of-control health care costs.  The Affordable Heath Care Act (better known as “Obama Care”) is convoluted and needs some serious tweaking.  But the overall political purpose of the legislation is to provide affordable health care to the general population (expanded coverage) and at a lower cost:  more productivity, quality, efficiency and streamlined patient-care processes.

The good news is that the ACO framework for Medicare and Medicaid is the most sensible and potentially the most effective way to achieve the very ambitious double goal of the Act:

  • Better care and increased quality of health services
  • Lower costs and streamlined processes of patient care [Read more…]
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