New Ecosystems in Asia Pac

Returning from a recent trip to Asia Pacific, I remain fascinated and impressed with the dynamic confidence of the business community in the region.  Business is booming and new inter-regional ecosystems are complimenting the outsourcing/offshoring models which have proliferated over the past thirty years.

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Ecosystems are the royal path to Sustainability

Ecosystems in nature are communities of living organisms, interacting with each other within a given environment.  These collaborative biological networks tend to evolve into symbiotic relationships enabling each organism to develop a sustainable place within the ecosystem.

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Alliance Networks and Ecosystems

Alliance value networks organized in ecosystems are the way all  organizations will be designed and structured in the future.  The following podcast was carried out to discuss and explore how collaborative business models are being used to grow revenues and capabilities today.  Please click on the link below to listen.  Enjoy!



Ecosystems to grow your revenues and capabilities

Ecosystems to grow your revenues and capabilities is an intelligent option for many professional services firms.

Ecosystems, within a context of business development, are communities of common interest, partnerships, groups of experts which come together to provide services to their clients.  The growth strategy through ecosystem development involves business partnerships outside one’s own firm and often outside one’s traditional channels to market.

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Strategic Alliances and Tactical Partnerships

Strategic alliances and tactical partnerships are both good frameworks for collaboration.  But what do we mean by the terms ‘strategic alliances’ and ‘tactical partnerships’?  How are they similar and how are they different?

Semantics aside, usage really depends on the specific markets, what part of the world you are in and which organizations are doing the defining.

‘Strategic alliances’ is an often overused term to describe any and all forms of partnerships.  A strategy at its origin is a military term from the Greek language meaning generalship.  Today the common understanding of the term ‘strategy’ is a high level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty, over a period of time. [Read more…]

Strategic Alliances and Member Firms

Member firm organizations are one form of strategic alliances which are becoming more prominent in the business world.  Member firms are loosely or tightly knit groups of companies which have chosen to come together to promote their common interests and to help each other to grow revenues and capabilities.

If one googles the term ‘member firms’ and toggles a bit, you can find interesting examples and applications of how individual companies are tied together in member firm organizations.  Some member firm organizations are going to market under a single, lead brand whereas others are connected under an endorsed brand.  Some are publicly touted as a single entity (like a corporation or a franchise) and others are happily united as members of a group of independents (like a business club or professional association). [Read more…]

Strategic Alliances and Ecosystems

Ecosystems are an exciting extension of the traditional practice of strategic alliances.

At a recent global summit meeting organized by the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP), we shared and exchanged the most recent thinking concerning creative partnering solutions.  Strategic alliances, situated on the continuum between organic growth and post-merger integration, have become increasing prevalent over the past two decades. [Read more…]

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