At a recent BioPharma conference organized by the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (A.S.A.P.) in Boston, impressive examples of strategic alliances and advanced partnering solutions were put forth and discussed by professionals in the industry.
Humanist Values Trump All Others
Humanist values are universal and trump all others as an overriding principal of conduct in business relations.
As a strategic alliance expert who makes his living designing and optimizing international ecosystems, I often come across the issue of “cultural differences.” How do we achieve maximum efficiency and optimal team work across vast areas of beliefs, education, behaviors and organizational structures? [Read more…]
Big Data is a Big Deal
Big data is more than just the latest IT trend, more than just a consultant buzz word, more than another technology improvement. Big data is a big deal. [Read more…]
Governance as a Service
Governance as a Service is a concept which is catching on quickly in the corporate world as a separate process from the traditional leadership and decision-making processes. [Read more…]
Smart Cities and Ecosystems
What if cities could talk? What would they say about the way energy is managed? Water? Parking? Traffic? Public transportation? What would the city tell us about its health care systems? Educational institutions? Municipal government?
What would the city tell us about its infrastructure? Buildings? Roads? Bridges? Electrical Grids? Sewage systems? Pollution? Public safety? Parks? Connectivity and communications?
What about soft indicators such as human urban dweller well-being? Quality of life? Tolerance? Diversity? Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
Strategic alliances and the profession
Strategic alliances is a profession onto itself. Where the profession lies within corporate or not for profit organizations is an interesting question which was bantered about recently at the global summit of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP).
The strategic alliance profession is growing and ASAP is the leading association in the field. Their role is to promote the profession and the discipline of alliances, partnerships and channel development. The profession is relatively recent in the business world and the emergence of executives with titles such as Chief Alliance Officer, Alliance Director or Partner Manager are cropping up more frequently in resumes and professional profiles. [Read more…]
Strategic Alliances and New Ways of Working
Strategic alliances and new ways of working go hand-in-hand.
Strategic alliances involve putting together partnerships which are designed to create more value for each organization than each one could generate on its own. They are strategic because the relationships are more than transactional commercial agreements. They are alliances because they imply long term frameworks, over multiple years, with complex and codified rules of cooperation.
New ways of working concern all the organizational and behavioral aspects of the way we produce goods & services, mostly driven by technology innovations and ubiquitous information. Our relationship to space and time is being modified. We are physical and virtual at the same time. We are always on, 24/7. We share effortlessly our work products without paper or the need to be sitting next to each other. [Read more…]