Brave New (Digital) World!

Brave New (Digital) World!

Four years ago to the day, I wrote a blog post called “Did you use Bitcoin to buy your Christmas presents this year?”  You can read it here:

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“Pittsburg not Paris” – where is the collaboration?

“Pittsburg not Paris” – where is the collaboration?

The President of the United States announced last month that the US would disengage from the Paris Agreement, a global commitment within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  The voluntary, non-binding agreement was reached after years of long negotiations by representatives of 195 countries and adopted by consensus end of 2015. [Read more…]

Alliances as a Service

Alliances are powerful partnering strategies to help companies and organizations to grow their revenues and extend their capabilities. Alliances as a Service is an efficient, cost effective way to create and sustain a value-added network of strategic alliance business and technology partners. [Read more…]

The Future of Work

Digital workspaces are changing the ways we are organized and the ways in which we interact with each other to produce goods and services.

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What’s next for the European Union?

The banks are open again in Greece but withdrawal limits remain in place. Bridge loans have provided temporary relief to a bankrupt country.

What’s next for the European Union? [Read more…]

Business Partnering Ecosystems – Podcast Part 1

International business development to grow revenues and capabilities can be done in three ways:

  • Build it yourself – organic growth
  • Buy it – mergers & acquisitions
  • Partner – strategic alliances and value networks

My firm, Alliances Progress, was invited to be interviewed on the subject of collaborative frameworks and how they work to grow businesses internationally through strategic alliances and business ecosystems.  Here is the link to that interview:






Evolution of Business Consulting

Professional services firms are undergoing a profound transformation. The markets are changing and the old ways of doing business are becoming obsolete. Customers paying for professional services are becoming more sophisticated and more discerning. Why are we still doing business as usual when the world around us is in such extreme flux? [Read more…]

Consortia and Ecosystem Developments in Life Sciences

The following article was written for and published in the most recent edition of Strategic Alliance Magazine, the official organ of the prestigious Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (A.S.A.P.).

The life sciences sector is one of the most dynamic and innovative industries in strategic alliance development.  Recent trends are revealing exciting new ecosystems and consortia frameworks as multiple stakeholders engage collaboratively in order to address large, complex global health care issues.
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How are business ecosystems changing the way we work?

Please find below a link to a recent interview in which I speak about how business ecosystems are changing the way we work, specifically how strategic alliance business development is impacted.

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Humanist Values Trump All Others

Humanist values are universal and trump all others as an overriding principal of conduct in business relations.

As a strategic alliance expert who makes his living designing and optimizing international ecosystems, I often come across the issue of “cultural differences.”  How do we achieve maximum efficiency and optimal team work across vast areas of beliefs, education, behaviors and organizational structures? [Read more…]

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